Monday 19 October 2015

The Martian Review

Never been before that I was so excited going to the cinema for a movie. I do not usually spend my weekends at the mall, watching the latest movies or what so ever, probably because I am such a boring dork. However, this time, I am so full of enthusiasm to watch this - how do I say - brilliant movie of all time, The Martian.

The sci-fi movie starred by Matt Damon as Mark Watley was about an astronaut who had mistakenly presumes dead and left behind on Mars who then fought to survive. Luckily as a botanist, he managed to extend his life for about more than 500 sol days (500 mission days) alone on the Red Planet. 

Being a science education graduate with limited background knowledge on advanced sciences, I was quite amazed on how he managed to create the water by using hydrazine - a common monopropellant used for manoeuvring spacecraft. The decomposition reaction in the presence of catalyst created the final product of molecular nitrogen and hydrogen gas. This hydrogen gas undergoes combustion to create water which then used for the potato plantation. That was so brilliant. 

Besides that, there were so many interesting science facts that I had learned in this film. Even now I am fully aware of the importance of mathematics in science. Everything in this universe can be interpreted with numbers and endless of calculations. Sitting for more than two hours in the cinema really opened my eyes to view other branches of science like chemistry and physics as such amazing science fields as same as biology which I like the most, that I should make a lot of readings. 

I would really suggest everybody to watch this film especially science stream students so they will be inspired to become one of the greatest scientists in future. Who knows maybe one day you will be a scientist whose named engraved on the pass card with NASA logo on top of it. 

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