Monday 14 July 2014

Fundraising for Palestine

In order to raise the awareness in humanitarian issues such as the attack on Gaza by Israeli troops, I have decided to do a fund raising with my students. The concept is very simple. The students must collect $500 for the relief fund. Only Jade Dollar (J$) is accepted for the donation. If the collection reach the target of $500, I will then exchange this money to real RM50 and donate it to Aman Palestine.

By doing this, the students themselves have the opportunity to contribute with their own money and willingly sacrifice a portion of their money. However, I did told them to think and manage their own money and left a portion for the shopping spree. It is funny to see them start thinking and wondering whether to donate or not. It's a reality. Even we have second thoughts before donating to a fund.

Alhamdulillah, the students manage to collect $340 for the first day, which means only $160 left before reaching the target. And to my surprise, three students had given $50 notes. Such a big heart.

Donation box

1st day collections

Collection  amount chart

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