Our training today started with the slot creating effective lessons for foreign students and sharing good cases delivered by a lecturer from Yonsei University, one of the established public university in South Korea. She had given some tips regarding how to interact with the students and keeping the lesson as simple yet as engaging as possible.
After having our lunch - surprisingly we had authentic Indian food for today's menu - we were taught some basic Korean and how to read hangeul characters. It looked easy but the more you learn it the more confused you would be. Hopefully, I would master the language in coming 3 months.
At around 2.30 pm, we headed back to Lotte Hotel for the GCED conference. This time we would be able to attend a plenary session where I had decided to listen to a talk on forging educational theatre in teaching GCED. It was very interesting and new for me. I would probably study more on this in the mere future.
At 6.00 pm we had our dinner at a restaurant near the hotel. Luckily we had the vegetarian pizza for the dinner and it was quite delicious. We had our rest for two hours before starting the dance practice at the gym.
With our beloved Chef de Mission - Miss Aini |
With the lecturer from Yonsei University |
Authentic Indian food for lunch |
Basic Korean class |
Pronouncing it right |
Tracey & Parthiban working on Hangeul |
Mastering the pronunciation through the air controlling technique |
Slotting in for a short dance rehearsal |
Parallel session - theatre in teaching GCED |
With teachers from Indonesia - Pak Hadi and Pak Rizki |
Theatre exercise |
Vegetarian pizza - pickle, cheese and some leaves |
Dance practice at the gym |
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