It is time for me to say goodbye to The Pioneers - the nickname that I gave to nine young lads from year 6 who founded the u3kulele group. The group was founded just around 2 months ago, and we were having such a great time practicing and learning new songs and styles. There were so many memories made ever since. It's quite sad to say goodbye so very soon.
But still, as the saying goes, our lives wonder but the memories remain. Working with this boys gave me thousand of memories that will forever cherish in my heart. This would be the sweetest memory for this 2016 and hope that the incoming year of 2017 would bring even sweeter memories. InsyaAllah.
I wish these boys the very best in their future endeavours. May they have great memories and experiences for their secondary school life. It is time to say goodbye boys. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. π | MHM
The Pioneers - The Chapters End
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