Alhamdulillah praised be to Allah for all the blessings He had bestowed upon me. This year I had been selected as the recipient of the Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2017. The ceremony was held at the SUK building which gathered all the educators and the support staff from around the Petaling Perdana district.
10 recipients from our school were selected to receive this award. In order to make things easier, we decided to carpool to the event. Thanks to Ustazah Rosnani Desa for offering her Spectra as the transport of the day.
As that was my first time going to the event, I would say that the event did remind me of the convocation ceremony where you need to patiently wait for the long list of recipients. The ceremony was divided into three different sessions and it ended at around 2.00 pm.
My greatest thanks I bid to the Madam Headmistress and all the senior assistants for choosing me as one of the recipients of this year's APC. As well as to those who nominated and suggested my name, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hopefully, this award would bring out the new spirit so I would become more committed and successful in the future, InsyaAllah.