Friday, 29 December 2017

Research Proposal Presentation

Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah for today, I had successfully completed my proposal presentation, one of the key milestones in my PhD journey. This time I would say that I am very proud of myself for being able to present the proposal during the first semester, by which none of the Ph.D. or masters' students registered with me did so. Though I am not that good, at least this would be one of my great personal achievement.*Humble brag alert.

Frankly speaking, after going through 3 proposal presentation sessions conducted by the faculty previously, it brings me anxious to see how some of the students were severely criticized by the panel of assessors. Moreover, there were still a lot of things that I need to study regarding on the topic of my research.

My presentation session lasted for one hour including the Q&A session. Alhamdulillah, not many bad comments that I had received throughout my presentation. Yes, there were few moments that I stumbled when the questions asked by the assessors went deep into technical aspect, which then I straightaway do my cute and pitiful face and also smile all the way. I think those saved me.

Overall, it was a good experience for me and I learned a lot from the feedbacks given by the lecturers. Hopefully, this would be a good kickstart for me to begin my research. My tips to everyone who is about to present the proposal, make sure you know when to stand up to your argument and when to just be humble and accept the constructive critics, or else you will have a really tough time during your proposal presentation. Peace! | HM

Monday, 11 December 2017

Research Proposal Submission

Alhamdulillah, for today that Allah had given me a chance to successfully achieved the very first milestone in my Ph.D. journey, which is the submission of my research proposal. After struggling for more than two weeks, I managed to complete the proposal and straight away handed it over to the faculty.

Due to the fact that I am not from a research background, it did give me a really tough time even to start writing up the proposal as I have no idea what I am supposed to do. But in the end, I was able to comprehend bits and pieces of my own research.

I am glad to have decided to take pure science in the first place for my Ph.D. though it is tough and challenging. Now it is time to prepare for the Proposal Defend and keep my head up for the game. Hopefully, everything will be just fine. InsyaAllah.

Self reward 

Monday, 6 November 2017

Army Themed Party : 5 Cendekia

Today, 5 Cendekia had organized a farewell party as a part of school's yearly tradition. As usual, I had given the full autonomy to my students to plan out and organized the party themselves. Since our classroom's theme is the army, so we decided to put army theme for our party as well. 

I firstly distributed the job scope to the pupils according to their groups. Each group then planned out and executed things like; preparing food and beverages, venue, backdrops and decorations, planning out games to be carried out during the party, performance, preparing the presents and hampers for the lucky draw and also preparing the text for the emcee. All were done by the students themselves.

The menu for this year was quite different from last year's as I managed to order KFC (Snack Plate), and JCo Donuts, as well as the complimentary homemade foods brought by the students. Besides that students also were given an opportunity to operate a float drink counter and serve the float ice creams. 

We also invited some other teachers to our party, where they were given the honour to present gifts and mini hampers to the lucky draw winners. After having the lucky draw session, the students then played games such as musical chair and shooting range. All were prepared by the students. 

Overall, I was so happy that the student managed to come out with such a great party. Special thanks I bid to the parents who sponsored our magnificent army cakes, putting up decorations as well as sponsoring the presents and hampers. To all my students, as usual, you had really done a great job. The memories shall forever be cherished in my mind. InsyaAllah. | HM

5 Cendekia, 2017

Thursday, 26 October 2017


It is the final chapter of two years and a half story. A story full of laughter and tears. A story full of colours. A year ago, the end of this journey seemed very far and unreachable due to some obstacles and turbulence. And to be able to complete this Master journey, I raise my hand to Allah, the Almighty, for only Him that are able to turn everything into reality. Alhamdulillah.

I have come so far from where I began. And I am blessed to have great people around me who lighted up my spirit so I could keep on pushing myself forward all the way through the thick and thin.

My special thanks, I bid to Siti Fatimah for being the best buddy + lab partner, who helped me a lot throughout this endeavours.

Mak, Yon, Nyah, Yang, all family members, friends, colleagues, lecturers and classmates who were always by my side. Thank you from the deepest bottom of my heart.

I also would like to dedicate this achievement to my beloved mom, who patiently waited for me to be free from the devoted student life. Thank you, Mak, for keeping on waiting, still. I am sorry I could not be a proper son who should always be there for you.

And still, that missing little pieces of my life shall remain in my heart - Abah, how I wished you could be here by my side on this special day, after all the sacrifices that you have made during my study years. This scroll is for you.

Mohd Hafiz Mungin
Master of Education (Biology)
Instiadat Konvokesyen ke-19 2017
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Sunday, 24 September 2017

PSSTLDM Selection Day

I was contemplated on my ability to go for the Navy selection day. I had a fever and it subsided just a day prior to the selection. And moreover, without a proper physical training, the probability of failing the selection was quite high. But still, I braced myself up and went to the navy base just to give it a try. Hopefully, lesser people would turn up on Sunday compared to Saturday's session. So the competition would be low thus increasing my chance of getting accepted into the navy. That's my logic.

Previously, the email clearly stated that all candidates should be at the naval base from 8.00 am till 9.00 am. So, I arrived at Pusat Hidrografi TLDM, Klang sharp at 7.30 am, as I was worried about getting rejected for coming late. I thought that the session started at 8.00 am and ended at 9.00 am, which seemed weirdly short and perhaps not that hard. But obviously, I was wrong. It started at 9.00 am and ended at 4.30 pm. Luckily I had my ex-housemate, Hazri, who out of the blue decided to join me. At least I got someone to keep my motivation up.

The selection started with physical inspection where the medical officer checked the shape of our sole to identify whether we had normal feet or flat feet. The person with flat feet was requested to leave the line. It was quite sad to see some did not make it even in the first stage. Then, they measured the height and weight in order to calculate the BMI. Alhamdulilah, my BMI was okay. There were few candidates that had been quarantined due to high BMI numbers. 

After the physical inspection, we proceeded with documentation process. Candidates were divided into two groups; Officers (Pegawai) and Other ranks (Lain-Lain Pangkat). The process was smooth and I successfully handed over the complete documents to the officer in charge.

After quite a while we then moved out of the building for the warming up session where all candidates were required to do body stretching, 20 reps of jumping jacks, and 20 reps of push-ups. We then proceeded with 2.4 km running, a standard fitness test since my maktab days. I made a mistake of not drinking enough water before running which as a result I became superbly dehydrated and only managed to finish up running with 16 minutes time recorded. 

Not long after all candidates completed the run we went to the next phase which consists of chin-ups, sit-ups, touch and speed, and also long jump. I could say that I managed to successfully execute touch and speed test, and also the long jump test. Both sit-ups and chin-ups were done horribly. 

We were then given a break for some lunch and Zuhur prayer. Seriously, I was super exhausted that I could not even eat the lunch. I just had a glass of coconut water and some goreng pisang, just to keep my energy up throughout the day. Getting faint was the last thing that I wanted. 

The afternoon session started with marching test. I could see that most of the candidates especially my group members were able to execute the marching test. It was that time that I started to worry about getting rejected. One of the officers told us that among 100 something of candidates, only 30 will be accepted to become the Officers. Quite a tough competition compared to Other ranks. However, I did hope that I would be accepted or else all the things that I endured for the whole day would turn out to be nothing. Pray for my success. InsyaAllah. ͰM

p/s: The photos are taken from KD Sri Klang's Instagram page 

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Registration Day | phdlife

It is quite hard to put all my emotions into words right now. It feels like sort of happy, worried, excited, anxious, and other feelings as well - all mixed up at the same time. Compared to the time when I first registered for my master's program, this time it is totally different. Perhaps after enduring for about 2 years and a half, through ups and downs of my master's life, it sort of giving me a whole different perspective on to what extent the postgraduate life could bring you.

To certain people, it might be interesting to hear someone pursuing a postgraduate study especially doing Ph.D. But the truth is, it is actually a start of something very challenging - physically, mentally and emotionally. You need to be prepared to bear with all the responsibilities, sacrifices and expectations, both from the academia world and even from your own family members.

Speaking of sacrifices, try to imagine, you need to stay at the library during the weekend while at the same time your friend posted their selfies at the cinema entrance. You need to work on your experiments at the lab or at the green house during school holidays while your friends updated their status of touching down Heathrow airports for a vacation. You need to write your thesis alone with your cat sitting on top of your laptop while your friends posted a video of them having a great time with their playful kids. These are some small sacrifices that we choose to bear upon and it is a gamble since we never know it will lead to a happy ending or otherwise. Hopefully, mine will fruit a favourable outcome. InsyaAllah.

Thoughts aside, let me give a snippet of what actually happened on this historic day of my life. Today I had registered for a Ph.D. in Biology program at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris. The registration progress was no different from other universities where basically you need to submit all the documents, pay the fees, get some goodies and listen to the welcoming speech. Then, poofff! You are officially a PhD student. Simple as that. Maybe because I am registering within the same campus, it felt like a no big deal at all. But luckily I had a friend (my lab partner) who willingly accompanied me, taking my pictures and accompanying me throughout the day. Thanks to Dr (to-be) Siti Fatimah.

As the new chapter of my life begins, I purely need your good wishes and prayers and perhaps some support from all of you. And the most important of all, may Allah SWT bless me with the strength in facing challenges that lie ahead. The ship had set sail, endeavoring the rough seas. PhD life, here I come.

p/s: Putting my first step for a thousand miles of Ph.D. journey. Bismillah ͰM

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Majlis Anugerah Latihan Personnel | u3kulele

After practicing for few weeks, we finally had a chance to perform at the Majlis Anugerah Latihan Personnel which was organized by PPD Petaling Perdana. The award giving ceremony was held in our beloved hall, Dewan Baiduri, SK Jalan U3. 

The ceremony was attended by large numbers of headmasters and principals coming from various schools within the Petaling Perdana district. It somehow gave me pressure due to the crowds were no ordinary person. If we messed up the performance it somehow tarnished our school's pride in front of other school's delegates. But in the end, my worries faded when these kids nailed their performance especially during the second song, Tanya Sama Itu Hud-Hud (M. Nasir). The slight problem was during the first song where they tend to slow down the tempo which made the singers struggle with their breath and pitch. Still, we had received good feedbacks from the audience and most importantly, our headmistress, Pn Hajah Nafisah enjoyed the performance.

It was actually the third times that the kids were performing, and this time they had given a very exceptional performance compared to previous two performances. Most probably due to enough practice session that these kids managed to give all their best. Frankly speaking, I was quite amazed to see their quick ability in learning different chords for different songs. 

Our next plan is to perform at Pn Rogiah's retirement party with a special song personally chosen by her. Hopefully, they will do tremendously better in other coming performances. InsyaAllah. ͰM

Friday, 1 September 2017

Salam Aidil Adha 1438H

Reliving the true meaning of sacrifices by two faithful servants - Abraham a.s. and Ishmael a.s. - where their great story shall be flourished in the Holy Book of Quran till the end of time.

Wishing all Muslim around the world, a very happy Eid al-Adha. May Allah's blessings be upon us on this holy day of Sacrifices. InsyaAllah. 

Thursday, 31 August 2017

The National Day 2017

Home - To Where We Belong

This is our small home,
Built underneath the blue sky,
From places afar we had come,
Seeking shelter for days ahead.

This is our small home,
Unknown and apart we used to be,
Through ages, we grow to become,
One big family,
Different yet bound with similarities.

This is our small home,
No matter how severe the storm is,
No matter how damaged our home will be,
Together, we will build it again,
Brick by brick,
Because this is our small home,
And home is where we shall be.

Hafiz Mungin
Seri Iskandar | 31st Aug. 2017 

Wishing all Malaysian, Selamat Hari Kebangsaan Ke 60. Dirgahayu, Malaysiaku!

+ Pic: 

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The Spirit of KL SEA Games 2017

It might be a bit late for me to update about SEA games which had already started last weekend. Nevertheless, being able to witness this biennial sport live at the venue, I feel that why not share some of the sweet moments and perhaps my views about the game. I am no sportsman nor an athlete myself but still, I do appreciate good sporting events especially athletics.

My friends and I - four of us actually, gathered at school as we were about to carpool in order to go there. Luckily, one of my colleagues decided to give us a ride to the stadium. Thanks to Najwan. Frankly speaking, it's been a while since I last went to the National Stadium of Bukit Jalil, perhaps 20 years back. And to see changes within the sports complex which now becoming such a world class sporting venue did make me proud as a Malaysian. My confidence in our nation's ability to achieve the Vision 2020 is finally restored.

To be honest, I love everything about this KL 2017 SEA Games. From the newly renovated stadiums and aquatic center with sleek designs to top notch facilities around the complex. Food trucks, roofed pedestrian walkways, new surau that could accommodate large numbers of worshippers, volunteers with helping hands, and street bands that charged up the mood once in a while. Everything is very nice and world class. Perhaps we are ready for Olympic. InsyaAllah one day.

Speaking of the event. It was my first time watching a spectacular large event like SEA games at the stadium. So, I was like superbly excited especially when seeing our home athletes winning some golds. We were clapping and cheering till the very end. Congratulations to all the athletes for winning the medals especially men's hurdle, discus throw and high jump athletes which I had already witnessed this afternoon. Seeing them in action inspired me to stick up with my fitness routine. ͰM

#bangkitbersama #kl2017 #seagames2017

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Call of Duty - RMN Reserve

I am superbly excited! Finally, the long-awaited news has come. It's the PSSTLDM selection day. Honestly, I have been waiting for this moment since 5 years back. There were several times that I missed out the selection dates back then due to some unexpected circumstances. So, this time, by hook or by crook, I will definitely come to the selection day.

Still, a dream without an action is just a wish. Inevitably, you need to be in a very good shape in order to be part of a military team. Ergo, the first step is to plan out the daily fitness routine which will take an approximately one whole month to be accomplished. The routines include 1.2 km jogging, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 pull-ups, cycling, swimming, skipping. And the list goes on. Pheew.. Hope that I could make it till the end.

Now, it is time for my dusty treadmill at home to start working back again. It's a no joke that I haven't had any exercise routines for ages. Seriously, I need to start kicking my fat ass and burn some calories. Wish me luck coz I absolutely need it. Lots of it. =P

Hopefully, by going through all the preparations and physical activities throughout this whole month, I will be selected to be part of the Navy reservist, serving the nation with pride. InsyaAllah. Couldn't wait to check off my bucket lists. ͰM

Saturday, 12 August 2017

My New Study Port

Being a part time student in a university which located about 73 kilometers away from your home did make it hard for me to be able to access the library facility in order to write my thesis or proposal. Not to mention all the cost spent on fuel and tolls which cost an approximately RM50 per trip. Therefore, I decided to visit other libraries in the vicinity of Klang Valley.

I have been to IIUM's library before with my friend. The atmosphere was good but the strict regulation on gender segregation did give both of us chills. =D. So, we decided to visit some other campuses as there are 5 public universities situated in the Klang Valley namely UM, UPM, UiTM, IIUM, UKM, and UTM. Our next stop would be the University of Malaya, which situated only 22 kilometers away.

It was my first time visiting the library. I was quite excited actually after seeing the photos of a stylish and hip library in social media. The first visit was quite okay as I was able to make some reference to the thesis collections. (more than UPSI of course). But the best part was when we finally found the CoLA or Collaborative Learning Area on our second visit. Just exactly like the photos in social media. It was so nice that we even had 'why we didn't study in UM' moment. Seriously. =D

Finally, I found my study port. Thanks to Dr. (2b) Siti Fatimah for accompanying me there. Hopefully, I will stay focus and work out progressively on my proposal and thesis. InsyaAllah. ͰM

Thursday, 27 July 2017


Topic 10, the Peach Boy is one of my favorite topics as I am able to introduce to the students the fascinating culture of Japan. Growing up with manga and anime makes me more appreciative towards the culture of this Land of Rising Sun. Apart from singing the song and learning to doodle some of Momotaro's characters, we also had planned out to have a short drama presentation based on the story itself. 

As usual, the students were so eager and enthusiastic in preparing all the costumes and props required for the performance. They came out with different ideas which some of them were unexpectedly creative and magnificent. After each performance, the students evaluate other group members through Peer Evaluation process. By doing this, the students will be aware of certain weaknesses that they have to improve for the next group presentation. 

In summary, the students had done a great job, where they collaboratively worked in groups, delivering the good products. My advice for other teachers who are afraid of doing group works, just give it a shot and do not underestimate these children's ability. You may be dazzled by their ability to come out with something beyond our thinking box. ͰM

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Eid Mubarak

Wishing all Muslim around the world a very happy and blissful Eid Mubarak.

Taqabbalallahhu minna wa minkum. Taqabbal Ya Kareem. Selamat Hari Raya.ͰM

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Ramadhan Farewell: The Beginning of the New Journey

Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah SWT for giving me a chance and opportunity to successfully complete my fasting ibaadah throughout the whole month of Ramadhan. It is a mixed emotion actually - happy for the upcoming Eid but sad as the holy month of Ramadhan is departing. Frankly speaking, this is my first time ever feeling so sad as the end of Ramadhan approaches.

Graduating from the University of Tarbiyyah (Ramadhan) this year had given me realizations upon so many new things. It all started when I watched videos about minimalism on Youtube which taught me how to appreciate all the things that I have in my life and being thankful for each and every second to Allah SWT. It did make me realised that all this while I was trapped in the chains of consumerism and materialism, which will never ever be satisfying. Alhamdulillah, since then, I can actually trace my transactions made in shops and mall. No more unnecessary shopping or transactions after this, InsyaAllah.

That I would say just one of the many things that really impacted me during this year's Ramadhan. Though I started my ibaadah gear a bit late still, He granted the best memories especially during the last 10 days of Ramadhan. I was not able to complete my Quran recitation, but still, my heart now seems to grow fonder towards this Kalamullah. This year I also was able to experience the sweetness of staying at the mosques for i'tikaf, that no words can describe it.

These are the reasons why it felt so sad to let Ramadhan go this year. I pray to Allah SWT that I would be able to experience even better Ramadhan next year. Ramadhan ends here. But the new journey is started. Fi Hifzillah.ͰM

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Ramadhan Kareem

Wishing all Muslims a very blessed Ramadhan. May we strive to become the best believers in this holy month, InsyaAllah. Ramadhan Kareem.ͰM

Sunday, 14 May 2017

Eco Fun Ride | Proton City

Today I had successfully finished cycling with my buddies Dr. SF and AzimAmri for about 15 km during the Eco Fun Ride at Proton City, Tanjong Malim.  It was not that exhausting actually like what I was expected earlier. Most probably due to good weather and we just went slowly cruising down the road. But still it was so fun especially when you cycle with your bestie.

The night earlier, we came to the Proton Sports Centre to pick up the t-shirts and goodie bags. It was then that we realised that all cyclists should wear the helmet or else, you would not be able to participate. It was quite frustrating because I have one myself which unfortunately I had left it at home in Subang. So whether I liked it or not, I just need to pay extra RM60 just for the helmet. Then, with a bit frustration in my little heart, we had a sleptover at the UPSI’s mosque that night, soon after we finished stapling my exam papers. (Sempat lagi =P).

By 8.00 am this morning, we reached Proton City, ready to kickstart the journey. After about approximately 2 hours, we successfully cross the finishing line where we were also given a medal. Frankly speaking, that was my first ever medal for such a long time and I am so superbly excited about it. It inspired me to participate in other events and start collecting some other beautiful medals.

Before we head back to UPSI, we checked the Lucky Draw board to see whether we were lucky enough, which I am usually not. But, to my amazement, my numbers hit the lucky list. Wow! And I got a RM50 voucher from SOGO. Hmm… Maybe I should get some undies from SOGO.

Overall, apart from being able to see Datuk Siti Nurhaliza and Amy Search for the first time, I would also say that it was a nice event that I can spend my time with my buddies before we settle down for Ramadhan. I wish we had more time to spend together and record some other sweet moments before we graduated and headed to different life directions. But still, this is one of the fond memories that shall remain deep in my mind. | ͰM

Thursday, 11 May 2017

War Cry - Negaraku

This month, I managed to successfully complete a new project - The War Cry project. This is the first time we had ever participated in the competition. We actually were offered to join this contest in the eleventh hour of which only a few days were given to start everything from scratch until the final stage of video recording. At first, it seemed quite impossible to do it but still, I took it as a challenge and straight away scribbled down some words for the chant.

The whole process of forming the team, distributing out the war cry lyrics, memorising the lyrics, learning the steps and recording took only 2 days to execute, which seemed quite burdensome yet, to my amazement, the students were able to pull the whole thing very well. Salute to these kids. At first, I was actually doubted that these kids would able to pull it. But they did! Though at the end there were many elements that needed to be cut off like some dynamic steps, lyrics, and formations, but still they had done a great job.

Apart from being able to perceive new cultural element of war cry, I had learned a lot about my ancestral root of ancient Malays and the historical diaspora of this unique Pacific Islanders through the process of making this war cry project a reality. I am now more apprehensive and appreciative towards the Maori and other Pacific aborigines, our very own distant relatives of Malayo-Polynesian who shared common languages and history.

On the whole, I am glad that I was given a chance by Puan Suzi to run this project. Though it was not perfect, at least the kids had shown a great determination in making this project possible. I am also glad that I gained lots of new knowledge out of it. Perhaps we could do better war cry performance by next year with proper planning and adequate time allocation. InsyaAllah. ͰM

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Establishing the Marching Band

I like to try working with something new every single day. That is why I could not stick with routines, whether at home or at work. I will try out some new things especially at school where it is blessed with kids with full of potential. It does not have to be perfect. It just has to be something new and fresh. That is why I love my job as a teacher so very much due to the chances gained in trying out new things day in and day out.

This time I managed to establish a marching band for our school. In just one week, 30 students were given the newly bought melodicas and drums to rock on the Oh When the Saints song at our annual sports' day. At first, the challenge was that there were not enough musical instruments like drums and melodicas. Even the drums were in such a poor condition.

I then discussed with some music teachers and the Head of Music Panel about the problem, which later approved by our Headmistress where she ordered 10 new melodicas and 3 drums. I was actually relieved that she approved my request in spite of its last minute nature. Soon after all the musical instruments received, I started training them with the song, the only song they will be playing during the opening ceremony.

The initial plan was the band would be playing for a short slot, but it turned out to be them playing all the way through the marching parade. I was quite nervous at first, but luckily they nailed it. We even played impromptu the short version of Superman Theme for the flag hoisting ceremony.

So far, I had received positive feedback from the teachers and the parents where they lauded the effort of establishing our very own marching band, moreover it is established in a primary school. I would like to thank all parties involved in making this marching band a reality. InsyaAllah we will try to put on more effort to present the best performance in future. ͰM

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Road to PhD

Alhamdulillah, after series of checking on the application status, I finally am accepted to be a PhD student in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), my alma mater where I used to pursue my postgrad years as a Master student. This time around I will officially register on September 6, 2017 for PhD in Biology programme. Now I will spend approximately 3 years of my life more in Bumi Suloh Budiman. Couldn't wait for it!

Frankly speaking, I wish to further my study abroad. Initially my dream was to further my study at University of Northern Colorado in PhD of Biological Education but it seemed quite impossible as I am racing with my time. It is the matter between these two, to hold on and wait for future overseas chances or finish this up as quickly as possible. So, I decided to put the first thought aside and pursue with the second one. Now, it does not matter where I study, as long as I have the patience and perseverance to complete this winding journey full of obstacles and hindrance. 

But still, I am proud to be homegrown. With the advancement of technology and globalised sources of information, it seems like there are no big difference between studying locally and abroad as we still can access to the same knowledge and information. Thanks to the internet. So those who do not have the opportunity to further your study abroad, be proud that we are HOMEGROWN. PhD life, here I come. ͰM

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Cycling in Putrajaya

This time I had a chance to bring my bestie aka lab partner, Timah to roam around the administrative capital city, Putrajaya on the bicycle. We started our cycling at 6.15pm, which was quite late and ended up right after the Maghrib call of prayer. So, not so much places were covered this time where we were only managed to cycle around the grand Putrajaya Boulevard. Nevertheless, cycling on with this not-so-fit body was quite a challenge, especially when ascending and descending to and from the park next to the Jeti Putra. Thought I had enough cardio covered for a month with that. Still, there are lots of places that I need to explore in the next cycling trip. Couldn't wait for that! | ͰM

Sunday, 5 February 2017

KL Car Free Morning

Today, I am so excited. I literally had a great time at KL Car Free Morning. It was my first time being here and what I can say about this event was SUPERBLY AWESOMEE!

I wished to come to this event since last year but usually, those whom I invited cancelled at the eleventh hour. So this time I planned on going there, by hook or by crook. No more relying on others and I should start going on my own.

At first, Miss Nethia was the only person who interested in joining me. Then, unexpectedly two of my other colleagues interested in joining as well. The more the merrier. So we decided to carpool there.

We met at around 6.15 at the Petronas Station before going straight to the Asia Jaya. Unfortunately, I missed the station and turn out parking at the University of Malaya's mosque. (Do not park here though because it is restricted for the congregations). We waited there for Nethia to pick us up.

Supposedly we should be there at 7.00 am but we were about 30 minutes late. At that moment I was thinking of 'okay, another disastrous moment', 'no bikes left' and 'just walk or jog around KL, great!'. This is because the earlier night before I had read a blog post about KL Car Free Morning where some of the bloggers came as early as 6.00 am just to grab the 100 free bicycles. Great..

Soon when we reached the Dataran Merdeka, I was so relieved to see there were some bikes left for us. So we decided to rent three bikes, a big-tire-off-road bike for Nethia, a tandem bike for Ruzanna and Nakiah, and a mountain bike for me. It was then at the starting line that we realised there were still so many free bikes available at the OCBC tents. What a waste!

After about one hour cycling and taking photos along the 7 km route, we finally reached the finishing line. I love to see how people were having a great time on the road cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, hoverboarding and jogging.

What makes it even nicer was when we see the DBKL band marching on the road. The great morning view of the city and the sound of music echoed through the buildings on the roadside enliven the event. Everything there surely made me happy. It somehow recalled the fond memories of my childhood, cycling around the village with my silver bike.

I absolutely would suggest to everyone who lives in the vicinity of KL to come and join this great event. This perhaps would be the best weekend activity with family and friend, rather than lepaking at the boring shopping mall. | ͰM