The long awaited month of the year has started today. In the spirit of celebrating the first day of fasting, I had taught my students an English nasheed called "Ramadan Moon", by Yusuf Islam. The song was quite long and I was afraid that my students cannot sing it properly. But to my amazed, they nailed it!!
Actually I was planning on having a Ramadan Party but due to the time constraint and workloads I just keep that idea for next year. I really want to celebrate this Ramadan season because I want my students to feel the festivities of the month as same as how they felt when celebrating Hari Raya.
After singing the song, I distributed my homemade Ramadhan greeting cards to them and had our photo session. I hope that they can feel the joyfulness of Ramadan by learning from the nasheed itself.
I would also like to wish here,
to my family, to all my friends and to all Muslims around the world. May Allah's blessings be with us. Aamiin..
Here is the song, Ramadan Moon