Thursday, 18 June 2015

Ramadan Mubarak

The long awaited month of the year has started today. In the spirit of celebrating the first day of fasting, I had taught my students an English nasheed called "Ramadan Moon",  by Yusuf Islam. The song was quite long and I was afraid that my students cannot sing it properly. But to my amazed, they nailed it!!

Actually I was planning on having a Ramadan Party but due to the time constraint and workloads I just keep that idea for next year. I really want to celebrate this Ramadan season because I want my students to feel the festivities of the month as same as how they felt when celebrating Hari Raya.

After singing the song, I distributed my homemade Ramadhan greeting cards to them and had our photo session. I hope that they can feel the joyfulness of Ramadan by learning from the nasheed itself.

I would also like to wish here,


to my family, to all my friends and to all Muslims around the world. May Allah's blessings be with us. Aamiin..

Here is the song, Ramadan Moon

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Halal Issue in Herbalife

I was sceptical about the Halal status of Herbalife before. I wonder doesn’t people really care about what they are eating. As a Muslim, Halal issue should be addressed seriously especially when it comes to the processed food as we had no idea about the sources of additives that gone into the food. 

I even had my second thought upon buying the diet programme set because on the night before my purchase, I tried to find some sources in the internet about their Halal status but, none was promising. 

So I browsed through the INFANCA website to check it myself. IFANCA which stands for Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America is the established body that certifies the Halal status for any food, beverage, pharmaceutical and personal care products that are manufactured in USA which is quite similar to JAKIM in Malaysia. IFANCA is also one of the international bodies that is recognised by JAKIM. 

It was a relieved to see the herbalife’s products were listed and Halal certified. So no more beeing judgemental and sceptical on Herbalife.

Starting My Herbalife Journey

Its been a week since I started my diet plan with the Herbalife. I really have no idea how I can ‘stuck’ with Herbalife which I was so sceptical about and had no interest in before. I know that I am overweight by looking at my waistline and my belly but, I really am not care about it. It seems like I am unable to take charge of my body and health and keep on eating more and more. I stopped doing sports and stop going to the gym for about three years now. 

But now, I have no idea what had really happened to me and why I did subscribed to Herbalife programme. Maybe this is what we called Rezeki for this guy, Mas’ud who was selling this Herbalife product or maybe this is a call from God that I should stop and start to think about my health seriously. 

Frankly speaking, I am not so excited nor motivated in starting my new plan. I do not feel anything. I just said to myself, “Okay, maybe I should give it a try.” So, my goal is to lose at least 10kg before this coming Hari Raya. Let’s look at how it will be.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

24th International Conference 2015

On the 1st to 3rd May 2015, I had attended an international ESL conference at The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The 24th International Conference 2015 was organised by Malaysian English Language Teaching Association or MELTA, one of the established prominent body regarding English Language Teaching in Malaysia.

The conference was officiated by YAM Tunku Ali Redhauddin Ibni Tunku Muhriz, the Crown Price of Negeri Sembilan. It was quite nice to see a person who I used to watch him in the Discovery Channel stood in front of me and spoke superb English. YAM Tunku Ali Redhauddin is the brother of YAM Tunku ‘Abidin Muhriz, my favourite author in Malay Mails tabloid and Roaming Beyond The Fence book.

A forum was conducted right after the officiating ceremony presenting famous personnel such as radio presenter, Uma from BFM and famously controversial activist Marina Mahathir from Sisters in Islam. I wanted to take a photo with them, but still I did not have the courage to do that.

Soon after the forum ended all participants moved to parallel session of workshops, presentations and exhibitions.

I had learned so many things throughout this three days there. This conference did widen my perspective in English Language teaching field. Thanks to Puan Zati Haslinda, DELO of Petaling Perdana for choosing me to be part of the team. I will absolutely share the new knowledge with my colleagues at the school.

Programme Book

One of the workshop on Reading Skills

With my amazing SISC+ mentor, Pn. Rajeswaree

Workshop on Doing a Language Camp by TEDBET

One of the games in the workshop, Charades

Charades Game

Having fun with Word Puzzle Game

Jigsaw Puzzle or should be more suitably called Word Puzzle game.

Giving Direction game

Colloqium discussing on the future of Malaysian English Language education

Meeting with a new friend from Bandung, Mr. Opik

Right before the closing ceremony

The Grand Tun Sri Lanang Hall, The Royale Chulan Hotel