Little did I realised that I had come to the final chapter of my postgrad life. Today we had our final class for masters, which means after this I will not come to UPSI on the weekly basis. Next semester, I will just only focus on my project paper write-up, and will come once in a while for consultation with my supervisor.
Though I will be free from any classes or assignments, this somehow touched me because most probably I will miss my friends and lecturers a lot as they are part of my life for about one and a-half year. I did really enjoyed going to classes on weekends and meeting up with my friends though sometimes I did felt lethargic due to certain problems or personal issues.
Here I met lots of friends from different backgrounds. Having these postgrad friends in some way inspires me to keep my head straight on my study. Among them are full-time students like Timah, Shikin, Yuyu, Mek Na, Diyana, Zaza, Fatin etc. Still young and energetic, they are the fresh graduate who pursued their study straight after graduated. Also, part-time teachers like Edwin (the only male coursemate in Biology), Evone (my ex-junior in IPTI), Kak Hazilah, Kak Taayah, Kak Sheila, etc. I learned a lot from their experiences. Also, Indian group ladies Parmiswary, Thana, Veronica, Kaveeta and others, which I was told that they had called me Arabic boy without my knowledge.
Seriously, I will miss these faces a lot. Sad to be apart from you guys and also lecturers. To all my friends, I am wishing all the best for your life and may all of you succeed in this world and the world hereafter. Amiinn. And now, I need to give my head up on my project paper so that I will graduate by next semester, InsyaAllah.
Last class wefie |
Faces that I am going to miss =') |
My group members with Dr. Siti Shamsiah. |
Done with the last paper \(^o^)/ |